Saturday, June 11, 2011

Well, there goes my motivation...

I've been working on a quilt, really, I have (see proof below)!

But I'm realizing that quilting is not a summer sport. At least not for me. Our house is old and very drafty and, well, we don't have AC. *Gasp* I know. It's our own doing. I think in some sick sense we like to "rough it". Don't worry, we don't have any kids so no one needs to call the authorities. However, our house does get quite warm, to say the least, and our bedroom my awesome quilting studio just happens to be one of the hottest rooms in the house. Therefore, when I finally scrap together the few bits of energy that the heat or other busyness of the day haven't sucked away, I end up sweating it out over my sewing machine hoping that it doesn't overheat. And don't get me started on ironing! Phew! So, as I said, quilting, I'm realizing, is not for summertime. I'm okay with that. I've been wanting to try my hand at pillows, clothes, and a few other small projects. But now there is a less-than-half-finished quilt staring me down every night when I get into bed. I'm going to finish this before my summer hiatus. I pushed myself a bit today to get something done on it and sashing was up next. I got them all cut and sewed them together in one long strip. Then on to sewing them to my long-hexagon strips. First one done and pressed and...

...well, that doesn't look right does it?

*Poof* There goes my motivation. I packed up for the night. Decided to write a blog post instead (makes me feel like I'm still being productive) and will later watch a movie with my darling husband and my seam ripper. Curse you, tiny stitches! (Anyone seen Despicable Me? Love the scene with the tiny toilet! Does that mean I like potty humor?)

Anyways, if anyone finds my motivation, please send it my way. Much obliged.

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